

Why do global Western media fail to report the truth?

Why do global Western media fail to report the truth about Israel's oppression of the Palestinians? Mohd Faizal Kasmani   Many of us are puzzled over the inability of the leading Western global media, mainly from Britain and America, to report rightly about what is happening in Palestine presently. From land grabbing in Sheikh Jarrah to the raid of Al-Aqsa by Israeli forces and a continuous bombing by Israeli forces on Gaza that seems determined to wipe out the remaining land of Palestine, these global media appear not to want to report the truth. But the term "truth" could be a misnomer when it comes to describing a journalistic outcome. As the truth could arguably lie only in the eye of the beholder, journalism has long replaced the concept [...]

Kemanusiaan, Keamanan dan Solidariti Untuk Palestin

Kemanusiaan, Keamanan dan Solidariti Untuk Palestin Dr. Kartini Kamaruzzaman   Tatkala saudara kita berhadapan dengan ancaman dan kekejaman yang boleh meragut nyawa mereka, kita masih dikurniakan nikmat keselesaan menjalani kehidupan. Apakah kita pelajari dari ‘konflik’ yang tidak berkesudahan ini? Berdekad lama nya, saudara kita hidup serba kekurangan dan jarang sekali mereka dalam keadaan selesa. Ledakan roket dan bom menemani kehidupan mereka tidak kira siang atau malam. Tetapi semangat dan keberanian mereka dalam menentang musuh Allah tidak pernah sedikit pun berkurangan dan tetap terus mempertahankan bumi al-Quds dan Masjid al-Aqsa. Malah, saban hari kehidupan mereka mengingatkan kepada kematian yang boleh menjemput mereka pada bila-bila masa. Isu Palestin-Israel ini melangkaui isi keagamaan kerana ia merupakan isu kemanusiaan sejagat yang mempersoalkan tentang hak asasi kemanusiaan. Dalam bulan Ramadan ini, saudara se-Islam kita [...]

Let the world witness the gross injustice over the life of Palestinians

Let the world witness the gross injustice over the life of Palestinians #SaveSheikhJarrah #AlAqsaUnderAttack Mohd Faizal Kasmani   The Palestinians' life is hanging by a thread again. And this time over the forced evictions of families in Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of the occupied West Bank, which sparks huge protests in the community. The move to displace over more than 37 Palestinian families is due to a Jerusalem district court that ruled the homes belonged to the Jewish settlers, citing purchases made when the land of Palestine, including what is now Israel, was under British rule pre-1948. The 1948 occupation, dubbed as the "Nakba", or the Catastrophe saw the creation of the state of Israel by the Zionists. It resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from [...]

The strategic planning in Ramadan

The strategic planning in Ramadan Dr Ishaq Ibrahim    In Ramadhan as the month of Khair and Rahmah, due to the conditions of fasting and new schedules, we might skip some tasks, assignments, and obligations that ought to be done. For those who find difficulties in adapting their life schedule in the month of Ramadhan, we may need to be reminded of our beloved prophet SAW. Prophet Mohammed SAW is known as the most proper and scheduled human being. Of course, the prophet was fasting during Ramadhan, doubled his Ibadah, doing all of his duties that have been delivered by Allah SWT and fulfilling his obligations to his family and Ummah as well.   "وَكَذَٰلِكَ أَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْكَ رُوحًا مِّنْ أَمْرِنَا ۚ مَا كُنتَ تَدْرِي مَا الْكِتَابُ وَلَا الْإِيمَانُ وَلَٰكِن [...]

Tarbiyyah Solat dan Puasa Biar Seiring

Tarbiyyah Solat dan Puasa Biar Seiring Dr Sofia Hayati Yusoff   Ramadan tiba lagi, membawa bersama keberkatan, kemuliaan dan kerahmatan buat semua yang menyambutnya. Antara ibadah yang difardukan sepanjang bulan barakah ini ialah berpuasa di siang hari. Kita semua sudah sedia maklum konsep berpuasa yang antara lain bertujuan mendidik jiwa. Apabila kita berbicara soal ibadah puasa, anak-anak kecil juga tidak terkecuali kerana inilah peluang untuk kita memberikan tarbiyyah buat mereka. Sudah menjadi kebiasaan dalam masyarakat kita melihat anak-anak seawal usia 5 - 9 tahun berpuasa di bulan Ramadan. Ada yang berjaya berpuasa sepanjang hari, tetapi ramai yang kecundang di tengah jalan. Ada ibubapa yang menjanjikan ganjaran material seperti duit raya, baju raya dan sebagainya semata-mata untuk melihat latihan ini berjaya. Terdapat ibu yang sanggup bangun seawal jam 3 pagi [...]

Media industry: A sunset industry?

Media industry: A sunset industry? Dr Hizral Tazzif Hisham   The invention of the smartphone played an important role in contributing to newspaper circulation. The smartphone converged segregated media into one, where people can interact, watching TV, making a phone call or listening to the radio. Traditional media, in contrast, has one and the only channel to distribute contents to its audience. Through printing medium, for example, texts and pictures are printed on newspapers for circulation. As with other industry approaching their declining period, the newspaper industry is expected to continue with a decline in distribution. The media industry, particularly the newspaper and broadcasting industry,  has been described by many as a sunset industry. Not only in Malaysia, but it is a worldwide phenomenon. In Malaysia, the scenario can [...]