
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh.  Welcome to the Faculty of Leadership and Management .

The establishment of the Faculty of Leadrship and Management is based on the belief and the sense of responsibility that the areas of Islamic-based learning subjects need to be developed and integrated with the current stream of thought and cultural knowledge for universal benefit.

Hence, all programs of study either undergraduate or postgraduate levels are developed through the integration of naqli and aqli knowledge bases that is in line with the Maqasid Syariah.

In this regard, the faculty mission is to become a renowned and referral center in the field of Dakwah, Islamic management, counseling, communication, religious studies and new media. Study programs are designed to meet industry and stakeholder needs throughout the country. Hence, science activities in the faculty are not limited to understanding and examining theories solely, but apply them in organizations or in society.

The faculty has more than seventy highly qualified experts with a diverse background of expertise to guide and supervise students up to the Doctorate (PhD) level.

In order to provide a solid foundation for applying the learned and developed knowledge, the faculty has established strategic collaboration with industries such as the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM), the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK), Lembaga Tabung Haji, Al-Hijrah TV, Economic Development Foundation Islamic Malaysia (YaPEIM), Yayasan Nurul Yaqeen (YNY), the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) and many more.

Let’s explore the faculty. And do tell us if you are interested to join the faculty as a student, a researcher or a scholar and share with us your effort and aspiration to uphold the integration of aqli and naqli knowledge.



Faculty of Leadership and Management